
I own no land, instead I have wheelestate. I’ve been a full time RVer since 1997. Working summers as a Park Ranger takes me to many beautiful places and playing during the winter takes me to many more. This blog is simply the story of my life's adventures.


Thank you for stopping by. Just to let you know, I'm still blogging but have moved to Geogypsytraveler. Hope you'll follow my adventures. Just click here.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

SWF-Will it rain on the Weaver Mountains?

01a Weaver Mts SR89 Congress AZ (1024x768)
Tuesday’s view on the way home from Tempe.
SWF long badge
To view more skies from around the world visit Sky Watch Friday by clicking here.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Opening the envelope

01 Addressed envelope (1024x768)
This envelope appeared on my desk Tuesday while I was away from home. Maybe I shouldn’t leave the door unlocked.
I open an imaginary envelope every morning looking inside for the day. (Something I learned from dear friend Berta.) Are there things I Have to do, Need to do, or Want to do? Sometimes it’s empty, and sometimes it’s not.
02 Invitation (820x1024)
I found this in the mysterious envelope.
Oh boy! A party. Can’t wait to find out more. Have to think of a costume.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Walk in the Sonoran desert

01 Sonoran desert Congress AZ (1024x768)
With only a drop in 2000 feet elevation from my chaparral home environment I can walk in the Sonoran desert where the...

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